What can be done?
Venezuelan recovery views
Lets be honest, Venezuela is a broken country…
As you will see in the section called Fundamentals, the Venezuelan economy is in intensive care with all main indicators in the red. The deterioration has been incredible and the life quality for its citizen is one of the worst in the world.
The basic services that all citizens in a civilized country should have are gone… and we are talking about the most basic stuff like electricity, water, gasoline, basic health and education etc, etc…
On the other side, Venezuela is of one of the richest countries in the world in natural reserves like: oil, gas, precious metals, iron, aluminum, renewable sources, tourism etc, etc..
In addition, Venezuela is a relatively small country with close to 30m people, which makes easier to introduce structural changes. But again, the problem is the low level of education of its citizens… this is the biggest problem.
The bad administration of the last 20 years have transformed a once healthy economy into a failed state similar to other African nations.
In this section I will give my vision and ideas to recover the country economy outlining a plan that tackle what can be done with a local formula not by copying failed models of multilateral institutions.
Venezuelan conditions are unique and the solutions needs to be adapted to its reality. I believe a medium term plan can realy revive the country an improve their citizens life. After libving in Europe the US and Venezuela, I have been able to understand the solutions that may work… lets begin…